Counsel Services from Our St. Louis Process Servers
Offering Trustworthy Advice for Clients Throughout the United States
St. Louis process servers from Markell & Associates, Inc. offer various legal support services to our clients. We serve the needs of law firms who require assistance with their legal work. We use our 60 years of combined experience to help law firms and paralegals perform to their best ability.
When you retain Markell & Associates, Inc., we provide you with knowledgeable counsel services and perform investigations as necessary. Following is an overview of the types of clients we serve.
Get in touch today for your consultation.
Insurance Counsel Services
Our process servers know the facts regarding the law. If you are representing an insurance company in need of filing a lawsuit, we can help you complete this process. We can conduct a skip trace on behalf of the insurance company to help them successfully serve the process and file the necessary court papers.
Financial Counsel Services
Our process servers take on a variety of tasks for litigators in need of obtaining what they deserve from debtors or defendants. Our team has been instrumental in the recovery of billions of dollars.
We can assist with:
- Local financial institutions
- National financial institutions
- International financial institutions well as counsel representing these entities. We can help you maximize your verdicts and settlements by informing the individual of their summons. We follow legal and constitutional guidelines to benefit your case.
Corporate Counsel Services
Our clients include attorneys in law firms, academic institutions, and government agencies. We provide a means for corporation lending institutions to serve papers to debtors who have wronged them.
Mortgage Counsel Services
We provide our services to mortgage industries to ensure that due process of law is upheld within the nation. Our team works to ensure that legal papers are served in an appropriate manner. As mortgage process servers, we perform the difficult task of serving foreclosure notices to homeowners.
Property Management Counsel Services
At Markell & Associates, Inc., we provide property management lenders with civil service of process and notice of foreclosure posting services. We offer assistance to both local and national property management companies throughout St. Louis, Missouri.
Construction Counsel Services
Our company provides services to construction industries to ensure that their process server needs are fulfilled. We are ready to assist with any situation and can help with summons and petitions, mechanic's liens, pickup of documents, litigation searches, and paralegal preparation in St. Louis.
Legal Assistance from Markell & Associates
At Markell & Associates, Inc., we provide services to various individuals and businesses to help them through the difficult task of process serving. We can be used as a messenger system to inform individuals of their legal rights to due process under the law.
When there is a need for the delivery of legal papers in a timely manner, our St. Louis process servers can meet this need on deadline.
Contact Markell & Associates, Inc. today for the process server assistance your situation requires. Do not hesitate to obtain our services at once.